miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011

Weekly Round Up

Due to some technical problems, the voting will start now for this week's Gypsy King. Last week's prize goes to Zguby once again..even though Bernie was in tip top trolling shape the whole week. The Gypsy King hat is still in Bernie's possesion, we never got the chance to get it back yet, we hope that at least you wear it with pride. Ok, that being said, don't forget to vote, and if you have suggestions for new pols or other stuff, don't be shy.

luni, 28 martie 2011

Weekly Round Up!

Last week's Gypsy King was awarded to Berni. To our great surprise he wore the Gypsy King hat with pride and honor, so for that matter we can only say, respect...however, you remain forever salty!

Other than that, most of our Garena members faught at Battlekon 2011. We are proud to announce that Bony(Dhalsim), Razvan(T.Hawk) and Zgub(Blanka) made their way through to the last 8 players. We also have some matches, recorded on the spot, which will be uploaded in the next few days, so keep in touch!

That about sums it up, don't forget to vote the new Gypsy King of the week! 

luni, 21 martie 2011

Garena's Dhalsim (Bony) ass whoopin!

Weekly Round Up

Ok, so we finally have our fist Gypsy King of the week winner. It seems that the gypsy hat will go to Zgubi this time. Even though he has been hiding lately, he shall not escape "the hat", and we hope to post some pictures as soon as we can catch him. This being said, the voting for this week's Gypsy King  is open, so everyone vote and remember, be nice or pay the price!

luni, 14 martie 2011

Weekly Round Up!

Recently Garena has been struck with a great vision! Since we all love to troll, more or less (some "more" than others), and since we seem to be quite skilled at it, we've decided to hold a new weekly contest. We shall do a round up after each week's Garena sessions, and we shall decide, who get's the "Gypsy King" prize for being the biggest troll/gypsy/sausage of the week!

That being said, each Monday the voting shall be open for 3 days, please help us point out the troll! It's for the best!

luni, 21 februarie 2011

Cammy basic guide

Cammy is a very quick character on all fronts with many uses for the Focus Attack Dash Cancel which makes her a great choice if you are looking to play a rushdown character. She has some very tricky high low and throw mix ups and even some of her more basic Focus Attack Dash Cancel combos can take off a lot of health. Her Ultra can be used to punish moves on reaction but you cannot juggle into the full Ultra like some other characters are able to.

* Fast dash and walking speed.
*  Quick Focus Attack can be mixed in with some of her normal moves to bait her opponents.
*  Quick Ultra means she can punish wiffed moves on reaction.
*  Back dash is fast and can be used in rapid succession.

*  Cannot juggle into her full Ultra like some other characters can.
*  Has a somewhat limited moveset that makes it harder for her to capitalize on the other players mistakes.
Non-EX Cannon Strike can only be performed while jumping forward which limits the moves applications.
*  Armor Breaking move can't be used on reaction due to its slow start up.
*  No overhead attacks means you will have a hard time against defensive players.

*  Cannon Spike
*  Crouching Hard Punch

Crossup Move
*Light Kick

Block Strings
*  Crouching LP, Crouching LP, Crouching LP
*  Crouching LP, Crouching LK, Crouching LP

Focus Attack
*Very fast with decent vertical horizontal range. Be sure to fake this move to bait your opponents attacks.

Armor Breaking Move
*Quick Spin Knuckle. Fairly slow start up so be careful when using this to break Armor.

Best Special Move
*Cannon Strike: Great move for pressuring her opponents when performed as soon as she jumps forward, is safe on block and leads to some of her more damaging combos.

Landing the Ultra
*  After a Focus Attack that leads to crumple state
*  After a Jump in Hard Kick or Hard Punch
*  After a Cannon Strike or EX Cannon Strike executed at a low hight
*  After you Focus Attack Backward Dash Cancel a Cannon Spike
*  After any Quick Spin Knuckle

Controlling the Ground

Cammy can control the ground best when she is about one character distance away from her opponent using her Cannon Strike and normals moves, though she has many other ways to close in on her opponent when she is outside of this range such as her Hooligan Combination and Spin Knuckle.

Her Cannon Strike can only be performed when jumping forward; however, the EX Cannon Strike can be performed from a vertical or backwards jump. This is a great move to pressure opponents who are in front of you. It comes out a a quick speed and you can combo into a number of different moves once it connects such as her standing Hard Punch. The key is to execute the Cannon Strike just as soon as you jump forward, and not as much when you are well into the air.  The move itself is somewhat safe if you perform it correctly, although you can be reversaled by a Dragon Punched out of it if you do not time it correctly.  The EX Version gives you more time to follow up with an attack and comes out a bit quicker overall making it a good option when you have the meter; in particular, jumping up/back and throwing this out can surpise someone who tries to rush in and gain ground while you're in the air. This move will trade with Dragon Punches, so be careful against Ryu and Sagat because they can follow up with an Ultra even when their uppercuts trade. You can also use this move in succession on the other side of the screen to build EX meter. Also, if the Cannon Strike is blocked, you can mix in a Focus Attack Dash Canceled Cannon Spike to hit them out of their throw attempts and still be safe even if they continue to block.

Her Spiral Arrow hits low so it can be a good move to catch opponents who are blocking high, but it is unsafe when blocked low and can be punished with a number of moves so be careful with this move. Typically it is better to combo into it off of one of her crouching normal moves, or use the Hard Kick version and Focus Attack Dash Cancel the first hit and dash in for a combo if it hits or a throw if it is blocked.

Against projectile throwing characters her Quick Spin Knuckle is a great move to use to pass through their fireballs. The first hit can be Focus Attack Dash Canceled so use this to your advantage perform a combo on hit or go for a throw when it is blocked.

Speaking of which, Cammy's Hooligan Combination can set up a number of different mix-up opportunities. It is best used against opponents who are standing or blocking high. You can grab them by pressing throw command or simply press nothing to get a low attack which you can Focus Attack Dash Cancel and follow up with a combo on hit or simply go in for a throw if they block. The EX Version is great in that it travels full screen and you can grab opponents who are throwing fireballs from very far away.

Her Hard Kick and Medium Kick are her two farthest reaching normal moves so they are good moves to poke with. Her standing Medium Punch does not have as much range but you can cancel into her specials and supers from it so it can be a good move to pressure with as well. Her crouching Medium Kick has decent range and can be canceled into her special and super moves too.

Controlling the Air

Cammy can control the air primarily with her Cannon Spike which will hit jumping opponents. You can Focus Attack Dash Cancel and follow up with another Cannon Spike as well if it hits deep enough.

Her Hooligan Throw will catch jumping opponents and is usually best to catch opponents who are jumping away from your mix-up's. As mentioned before, the EX version is very fast and travels full screen.
Like Chun-Li and Guile, she has an air throw to catch opponents who jump too much as well.
Her crouching Hard Punch is her best normal move to stop jump in attacks.

Source: http://mycheats.1up.com

luni, 20 decembrie 2010

And yet another Garena tournament, here are the results:

First Round

Razvan (Blanka) vs Fane (Ryu)   - Fane wins
Boni (Viper) vs Pig (Ken)  - Pig wins
Berni (Gouken) vs Pavel (Guile) - Berni wins
Zgub (Blanka) vs Sfera (Seth) - Zgub wins

Second Round

Fane (Ryu) vs Pig (Ken) - Fane wins
Berni (Gouken) vs Zgub (Blanka) - Zgub wins

Losers Bracket

Razvan (Camy) vs Boni (Viper) - Razvan wins
Pavel (Bison) vs Sfera (Seth) - Pavel wins

Third Round

Losers Bracekt

Razvan (Camy) vs Pig (Ken) - Razvan wins
Pavel (Honda) vs Berni (Bison) - Pavel wins

Fourth Round

Fane (Ryu) vs Zgub (Blanka) - Fane wins

Losers Bracket

Razvan (Camy) vs Pavel (Honda) - Pavel wins

Fifth Round

Zgub (Blanka) vs Fane (Ryu) - Fane wins
Zgub (Rufus) vs Pavel (Honda) - Zgub wins


Zgub (Rufus) vs Fane (Ryu) - Zgub wins

These are the results of last night's Garena session. While the competition was hot, some questions arose, and we thought it would be nice if we made them public. Here they are:
- What is Gouken's retirement pension ?
- Can he really be Santa Claus ?

Garena wishes you a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!