joi, 16 septembrie 2010

Chun-Li basic guide

As everything comes with a price in SF4, Chun-Li is one of the fastest characters, but also has one of the lowest stamina. She can very easily put pressure on her opponents as she has a good moving speed and fast dash plus high priority normal moves. She can also throw fireballs, and even though they are slow, they can trick the opponent in some cases.
Her ultra is very useful against other projectile player.

[U]    - up
[D]    - down
[B]     - backwards
[F]     - forward
[QC]     - quarter circle
[QCF]    - quarter circle forward
[QCB]    - quarter circle backwards
[HC]    - half circle
[HCF]    - half circle forward
[HCB]    - half circle backwards
[LP]       - light punch
[MP]     - medium punch
[HP]     - heavy punch
[LK]       - light kick
[MK]     - medium kick
[HK]      - heavy kick 

* Great normal moves
* Strong mix-ups
* Fast dash and walking speed

* Low Stamina
* Can't combo into Ultra outside of corner

Notable Normal Moves
* Crouching LP
* Crouching LK
* Standing MP
* Jump Forward HP
* Jump HK
* Crouching HK
* Jumping LK

Ex Spinning Bird Kick

Crossup Move
Jumping LK

Block Strings
* Crouching LP, Crouching LP, Crouching LP
* Crouching LK, Crouching LK

Focus Attack
Her Focus Attack is quick and has good range, so combine this with her fast dashing speed to pressure your opponent while you are on the offensive. Even if the Focus Attack is blocked, her fast dash speed will put her  right back in their face almost instantly to start some high/low or throw mix-ups.

Armor Breaking Move
Spinning Bird Kick.

Best Special Move
EX Spinning Bird Kick: This move works great as an anti-air and a "get off me!" move when being pressured by an opponent.

Landing the Ultra
* After Jumping Forward HP near corner
* After EX Lighting Legs near corner
* Passes through fireballs

Controlling the Ground

Chun-li can control the ground using her slow moving fireballs. A good way to pressure your opponents with Chun-li is to launch a kikoken and move behind it as she has fast moving speed and dashes. Once she is in close range she can use her crouch kicks and crossups to land some combos. Be careful against other projectile opponents, because her kikoken won't stand a chance against their firepower. A good way to get close on opponents who keep pressuring you with projectiles is Hazanshu flip kick. Timed well this move will jump right over they're projectile.

Chun Li also has a very good Focus Attack in that is has good range and comes out quickly leaving her at an advantage. Be sure to mix this in with her poke strings and other attacks to possibly score a crumple. As a side note, if you score a crumple this is one of the best places to perform her Back MK, MK, Up Down MK, that although is not her most damaging combo, looks very cool and is a great way to finish off the other player.

Controlling the Air

Chun-Li does not have the absolute best anti-airs in the game but when she has EX meter her EX Spinning Bird Kick is her best bet. It will beat most jump in attacks when timed correctly.She can also air throw which is useful against jumping opponents.

Jump forward HP - good for air-to-air and also good for starting combos.

Jump up HK - good range and beats most air attacks. It covers about half the screen so it has great range but does not lead into combos like her jump forward HP.

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