miercuri, 22 septembrie 2010

Tournament Roundup

On our last Garena session, our first tournament was finally held! With 9 players participating, we let fate decide who was going to face who, and one lucky bastard got the chance to compete with the losers bracket winner, for a place in the final!

We played one match, best of 5 rounds, with 60 seconds time. You got to choose one character, and if you won, you had to stick with him for the rest of the tournament. Only those who got to play in losers bracket first match got to change their fighter, once.  

The participants - Razvan, Radu, Bony, Zgubi, Sfera, Pavel, Cimpy, Zaietz, Fane.

So after our random selection, the matches were theese:

First Round
Razvan (T.Hawk) vs Radu (Juri) -- Razvan Wins
Bony (Dee Jay) vs Zaietz (Juri)  -- Bony Wins
Sfera (Blanka)  vs Zgubi (Sagat)  -- Sfera Wins
Pavel (M.Bison) vs Fane (Fei Long)  -- Fane Wins
Cimpy got the Cuc for the first round  // Cuc plays with winner of  losers bracket for a place in the final

Round Two
Razvan (T.Hawk) vs Bony (Dee Jay)  -- Razvan Wins
Sfera (Blanka) vs Fane (Fei Long)  -- Fane Wins

Losers Bracket
Radu (M.Bison) vs Zaietz (Juri) -- Radu Wins
Zgubi (Sagat) vs Pave; (M.Bison) -- Zgubi Wins

Round Three
Razvan (T.Hawk) vs Fane (Fei Long) -- Fane Wins
Losers Bracket
Radu (M.Bison) vs Zgubi (Sagat)  -- Zgubi Wins

*Cimpy (Juri) vs Zgubi (Sagat)  -- Zgubi Wins

Final Round
Zgubi (Sagat) vs Fane (Fei Long)  -- Fane Wins

Our second tournament:

Round One
Sfera vs Fane -- Sfera Wins
Cimpy vs Zgubi -- Cimpy Wins
Pavel vs Razvan -- Razvan Wins
Radu vs Bony -- Bony Wins
Zaietz got the cuc for the first round

Round Two
Sfera vs Cimpy -- Sfera Wins
Razvan vs Bony -- Razvan Wins
Losers Bracket
Fane vs Zgubi -- Fane Wins
Pavel vs Radu -- Radu Wins

Round Three
Sfera vs Razvan -- Sfera Wins
Losers Bracket
Fane vs Radu -- Radu Wins

*Radu vs Zaietz -- Radu Wins

Final Round
Radu vs Sfera -- Radu Wins

Our first tournament night at Garena saw Fei Long going on a rampage in our first contest! Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to see "The One Inch Punch" ultra to often, but what the hell, maybe next time.

Contest number two to saw M.Bison going on Psycho Power all to way to the top, after a little detour to the losers bracket. We all witnessed the power of Bison's "Magic Little Feet". Hail !

Other than that, Juri got a lot of attention from our players last night, so she get's the prize for popularity.

Also T. Hawk gets the prize for most flying fighter! "Hunt or Die!"

These being said, we hope our contestants enjoyed a chill night, and we look forward to our next sessions! Hadouken!

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