joi, 30 septembrie 2010

Sagat Basic Guide

Sagat, arguably the best character in SF4. He's not called the king for nothing. Sagat is a very good choice for those who want to play it safe. He has great stamina, can take a lot of hits, but also he can put up a great offensive game, dealing massive damage to the opponent. He also has the fastest projectiles in the game, meaning he will have no trouble against other long range players. A downside for this overpowered character is his slow movement speed, but good players will always find other means of getting close to their opponent.


* High damage combos and normal moves
* Tiger Knee is the best special move in the game because it's numerous applications such as it being safe on block and able to beat most moves in the game, even those with Armor.
* Quick Focus Attack allows him to mix it in with poke strings, land a counter hit and go in for high damage combos.
* Multiple ways to connect an Ultra allow him to control the match once he has a full meter.


* Slow walking speed means you will have to use his Tiger Knee and other means to move around the screen quickly.

Notable Normal Moves

* Standing HK
* Towards and HK
* Standing LK
* Jump toward MP


Tiger Uppercut
Standing HK
Forward and HK

Crossup Move

Jumping Light Kick

Block Strings

Crouching LK, Crouching LK, Crouching LP
Crouching LK, Crouching LP, LK, Low Tiger Shot

Focus Attack

It has a shorter range than other focus attacks, but still it has good speed and is a good choice to put pressure on your opponents

Armor Breaking Move

Tiger Knee. Probably your best choice against players who try to focus attack you.

Best Special Move

Tiger Knee: Not only does it have armor break, but it also has high priority. This move will go through almost every other move in the game. Keep this in mind.

Landing the Ultra

* After an anti-air Forward and Roundhouse
* After a Focus Attack that leads to a crumple state
* After a traded or Focus Attack Dash Canceled Tiger Uppercut
* After EX Low Tiger Shot in corner
* After EX Tiger Uppercut

Controlling the Ground

Sagat will control the ground using his high and low Tiger Shots. These are a good way to keep you opponent under pressure. Be sure to alternate between your LP/LK Tiger Shots and HP/HK Tiger Shots because they have different speed. This is a good way to confuse a player that jumps over your projectiles.
The EX version of the Tiger Shot will score a knock down, so keep this in mind. It is a good move to put in a combo, or to land the ultra in the corner.
Sagat also has some moves for close range. His Tiger Uppercut and his Tiger Knee are good ways to punish opponents.

Controlling the Air

Sagat controls the air using his Tiger Uppercut. Very similar to Ryu's , a good strategy would be to keep your opponent in the corner with projectiles, and force them to jump in on you. Punish them with an upper cut, or with a tiger knee. Sagat has some good normal moves to use against jumping opponents. His standing HK, and his forward HK.
Forward HK is good for juggling, if it hits, you can go for a tiger knee, or another forward HK.

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