marți, 14 septembrie 2010

Ken basic guide

Ken is like the American version of Ryu. I'm not going to start the whole, "who's better discussion" because it wouldn't be appropriate, even though Ken isn't as resistant as Ryu, he has much more offensive power, and has more speed.


[U] - up
[D] - down
[B] - backwards
[F] - forward
[QC] - quarter circle
[QCF] - quarter circle forward
[QCB] - quarter circle backwards
[HC] - half circle
[HCF] - half circle forward
[HCB] - half circle backwards
[LP] - light punch
[MP] - medium punch
[HP] - heavy punch
[LK] - light kick
[MK] - medium kick
[HK] - heavy kick

Move List


* Kara-throw extends Ken's normal throw range, immensely expanding the number of opportunities to pressure opponents with a throw, and to control the ebb and flow of combat in your favor.
* Shoryuken is a valuable component in his ground game, used as an antiair, reversal, or ending move in a combo.
* Forward MK moves Ken forward while attacking -- an especially useful move for advancing towards the opponent without jumping at them.
* Normal combos without Super or Ultra attacks are powerful, and can knock the opponent down to the ground, setting up an opportunity for a high or low mixup, a throw, or a cross-up.


Difficult to land the Ultra attack consistently. In order to land the full Ultra attack, you must hit the opponent at the right time and at the right distance.

Notable Normal Moves

* Kara throw
* Standing MP
* Forward MK
* Down MK
* Jump-forward MK
* Jump-up MK
* Down HK


* Jumping-up MK
* Dragon Punch
* Jumping-back HP


At close range, Ken's jumping MK can play the crossup game exceptionally well. Any opportunity provided by a knockdown (a sweep or a throw) should be used for a crossup, followed by a block string or a throw. When the opponent counters your attempts, hold back on the crossups or bait the opponent by changing your timing on your attacks.

Block Strings

* Down LP, down LP, down LP, wait and react.
* Down LP, down LP, slightly walk forward, Down LP, cross-up
* Down LP, LK, Kara-throw or, when the opponent anticipates a throw, Down MK,


* Down LP, down LP, down LP, down HK

Focus Attack

Ken's Focus Attack comes out at a good speed and has solid range, although in many cases it's best to fake the Focus Attack to bait your opponents move.
Armor Breaking Move
Hurricane Kick. Use this to punish those players who are charging up their Focus Attack and to stop EX moves with Armor.
Best Special Move
Dragon Punch. His basic combo ender and go-to anti air.

Landing the Ultra

After Focus Attack that leads to a crumple state

After Focus Attack Dash Canceling his Hard Punch Dragon Punch as a counter attack for a complete ultra

After Focus Attack Dash Canceling the second his of his Hard Punch Dragon Punch.

Controlling the Ground


Forward MK: A quick kick moving Ken briefly across the ground. Used primarily to engage the opponent without jumping at them.

The basic idea for ken, like Ryu, is to keep giving you opponent hadouken to keep the distance, and corner them. Ken controls the ground with his fireballs, and also with his shoryuken. Force your enemy to jump at you, and punish them with the dragon punch!


For details on where to throw your Hadouken go here. (


Another great thing about ken, is his Kara-throw. This extends your normal throw range giving you a very big advantage over you enemies. Use forward-MK and then quickly hit LP + LK for a normal throw. Ken will instantly move forward with his had reaching toward the enemy, executing a grab! You should use this as a surprise. Force your enemies to block, hitting them with normal combos and crossups, and then Kara-throw them away! Timing and spacing must be very good for this, otherwise can will be punished!

Kara-throw set-ups

Down LP, down LP, Kara-throw
Down LP, LK, Kara-throw
Down LK, down LK, Kara-throw
Stand within the range of your crouching MP. Stand and wait for something. If the opponent doesn't react, Kara-throw them.
Jumping HK, Kara-throw
Cross-up MK, crouching LP, Kara-throw
Forward MK, Kara-throw

Controlling the Air

Ken controls the air with two simple moves: Jump + MK and Shoryuken. Jump up MK can catch opponents in the air jumping at you, and stop big guys such as Zangief from approaching you on the ground. (That's old school Street Fighter strategy!) Use Shoryuken MP when anticipating or reacting to an opponent's jump -- the safest version of all three versions.

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