sâmbătă, 11 septembrie 2010

Ryu basic guide

The force of the Hadouken is strong with this one! Ryu is the most basic street fighter character. Even though he has a limited number of moves, he can adapt to almost any type of situation. If you're not the attacking type, you can stand back, like a calm little turtle, and counter hit, or if you're the offensive type, you can easely land some hard combos on your opponent. Either way, Ryu has it all!
Move List

* Has multiple ways to connect his Ultra which allows him to dictate the match once he has the meter.
* Strong normal and special moves allow him to control the match.
* Damaging combos to punish his opponent for even a simple mistake.

*He can be very  predictable.

  • Legend
[U]         - up
[D]         - down
[B]         - backwards
[F]         - forward
[QC]     - quarter circle
[QCF]    - quarter circle forward
[QCB]    - quarter circle backwards
[HC]      - half circle
[HCF]    - half circle forward
[HCB]    - half circle backwards
[LP]       - light punch
[MP]      - medium punch
[HP]      - heavy punch
[LK]       - light kick
[MK]     - medium kick
[HK]      - heavy kick 

Notable Normal Moves

* Crouching - MP
* Crouching  - LP
* Crouching - MK
* F + MP


* Dragon Punch
* HK
* Crouching -HP

Crossup Move

*Jumping - MK

Focus Attack

Ryu's Focus Attack is one of the better ones in the game, it has decent range and a good speed. Use this within your block strings to continue applying pressure and possibly gain a crumple if the attack manages to hit one of your opponent's moves.

Armor Breaking Move

Hurricane Kick. Use this to punish opponents who fake Focus Attacks all too often and to crush EX moves with Armor such as Balrogs EX Dash Straight.
Best Special Move
EX Fireball: Knocks down on hit, then you can follow this up with an Ultra in the corner making it very useful within combos to control the momentum of the match.

Landing the Ultra

* After you Focus Attack Dash Cancel a Dragon Punch
* EX Fireball or EX Hurricane Kick in the corner
* After a Focus Attack that leads to a crumple
* After a connected air-to-air jumping MP

Controlling the Ground

The idea is to keep giving your opponents hadouken till they choke. When controlling the ground with Ryu, it is essential to throw fireball after fireball to force your opponent to jumping into your Dragon Punch or push them into a corner. This is one of the most basic Ryu strategies.
Once you get your opponent in the corner, the adantage is yours. Keep throwing at them, to maintain pressure! Be sure to alternate LP hadouken with HP hadouken and EX hadouken, to trick the other player. LP hadouken is slower than HP hadouken and if they decide to jump, in order to dodge it, they might land directly on it if they're not paying attention.
Be careful when playing against teleport opponents, because that is a good way to avoid hadouken and also get close to you!

Controlling the Air

Jumping at Ryu, that's not so bright! Jumping at a dragon punch is  the last thing you could wish for. The idea is to keep the distance on you opponent using nothing else than, Hadouken, and forcing them to jump in on you. In case that happens, you have many many options to knock them out of the air and even deal some more damage with either his Ultra or EX Fireball when you have the meter.
Jumping MP is a good option, when it hits, you can perform an Ultra because you will land earlier than your opponent. Standing Hard Kick and crouching Hard Punch are also good moves to knock them out of their jump in attempts.

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